Understand. Uncover. Utilize.

Evaluation is our specialty. Let us help you do good better.

Hire our consulting team.

We can get started on your evaluation with three simple steps:

  1. Book a virtual meeting

  2. Review our proposal

  3. Sign a contract

Learn about evaluation.

Want to do it yourself? Great!

We operate Eval Academy, an evaluation capacity building platform. Read articles about evaluation, from beginner level to advanced, download free resources and customizable templates, or sign up for our self-paced Program Evaluation for Program Managers course.

Do you need to understand what’s working?

(and what’s not?)

If you want to better understand your impact, we’re here to help. Maybe you’re not sure what changes to make in your program. Maybe you believe, like we do, that learning as you go should be part of everything you do.

We are Credentialed Evaluators who want to help you make the world a better place. Work with us to understand your impact, tell your story, and make the right decisions.

We help organizations that do good to do better.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Looking for training?

We’ve been busy developing self-paced courses to build your evaluation skills. Our first course, Program Evaluation for Program Managers, is now available at a special introductory price.

We also offer customized training for your team — just let us know what you need.

We’d love to talk about your evaluation needs.

Book a meeting with our CEO to chat about how we can help.

We 🖤 evaluation so much, we write about it … a lot.

See our evaluation musings, tips, tricks, and tribulations on our evaluation capacity building platform, Eval Academy.